Well, I started a new job, it's a job. I am working at as a cashier at a major chain department store. Is it my life long dream to do this, No!, but it is what I have to do for now until I find a full time career job. I also do have an interview next week for a job at a national hotel chain as a front desk clerk. We'll see what come of that. Someone I know sent me a work at home job link, they make it sound so great you just want to do it. Is it worth the risk of the $97 dollars and does it work as great as they say? It's one of those that seems like a "damned if you do and damned if you don't" situations.
Back to the new job, everyone seems nice sort of and it isn't hard work. I just have a feeling that now that the warm and fuzzy orientation, which was mostly sitting at a computer learning about how to give great customer service, is over that it will be one of those "there you go, if you have any questions just find me" things.
Spring has arrived, sort of. It has rained alot and so the grass if over grown but it is too wet to mow, the sun doesn't come out much, but my hibiscus trees have bloomed!!!! I was so hopefull and they finally perked up and have been blooming everyday now for a week. The flowers only last a day, but they are so beautiful. I hope they stay like this all summer.

Well, my Avon order just arrived. Yay!! I have to get it all ready for delivery to my customers. I like this working at home thing. I will have to talk to Jay about the one my freind sent me.
happy adventuring.
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