It is opening day for the Syracuse Chiefs, the local AAA baseball team affiliated with the Washington Nationals. We are lucky this year, the sun has come out and temps are to be in the high 70's low 80's. In past years, it has snowed, been freezing cold, or torrential downpours, but always a fun day with my husband. The peanuts are ready and I have my sunscreen and hat ready to go, its a great day for baseball.
Last night I went to my jewelry making class. I learned the basics to build on and I did a good job making a 2 pair of earrings and some sample bracelets. I need some more beads and to start making some for real. I am hoping to sell some on ebay maybe a craft fair or two. I only had beads in the blue/green family yesterday for class but once I start buying some more I will have a rainbow of beads to choose from. It is great having 3 craft stores in the area all of which have coupons either on line or in Sunday's paper, it helps save a little to increase my profit margin.
Still unemployed. I have sent some resumes out, only two responses, both negative. Employers these days just don't generally respond to applicants, unless they want to interview you.
The new dinette is great, we really like it. The tv console looks great too and all those boxes and wires are now neatly tucked away, and since we have glass doors we can use the remotes with the doors closed. Yeah!